The Stable Marriage Problem
Imagine you have two groups, each of size . Each individual within a group has an internal ranking associated with all members of the opposing group. The Stable Matching Problem attempts to unite both groups into stable pairs. In this case, a set of pairs is considered stable if there are no pairs that like each other more than their current partners. This doesn't mean that everyone gets their top choices, but if an individual prefers someone else who also prefers them back, the set of pairs is not stable.
Now, this is often told as a story. One group is male, the other is female, and everyone gets married, hence the name the Stable Marriage Problem. This problem is solved by the Gale-Shapley algorithm, which can be simply described as follows:
- All the men propose to their top choice of women.
- The women become tentatively engaged to their top choice of the men who have proposed to them.
- All rejected men propose to their next choice, and the women again select whichever man they prefer, possibly rejecting the one they were already engaged to.
This process continues until all individuals are paired, which means that this algorithm guarantees stable matching and also has a runtime. To be clear, even though this algorithm seems conceptually simple, it is rather tricky to implement correctly. I do not at all claim that the code provided here is efficient and we will definitely be coming back to this problem in the future when we have more tools under our belt. I am incredibly interested to see what you guys do and how you implement the algorithm.
Video Explanation
Here is a video describing the stable marriage problem:
Example Code
class Person
def initialize(id, name, prefs)
@id = id
@name = name
@prefs = prefs
@partner = nil
@choices = 0
def lonely?
def propose(partners)
unless self.lonely?
raise '%s is not lonely!' %
choice = @prefs[@choices]
@choices += 1
def to_s
"#{@name.rjust(20)}: #{self.lonely? && "Lonely" ||}"
def self.generate(size, prefix, r){|i|
"#{prefix} #{i}",
(0 ... size).to_a.shuffle(random: r)
attr_reader :id, :name
attr_writer :partner
# Acts upon a given Proposal
def onPropose(partner)
unless self.lonely?
offer = score(partner)
current = score(@partner)
return unless offer > current
@partner.partner = nil
@partner = partner
partner.partner = self
# Determines the preference of a given partner
def score(partner)
return 0 if partner.nil?
@prefs.size - @prefs.index(
# Deterministic Output, feel free to change seed
r =
# Determines Output Columns
men = Person.generate(4, "Man", r)
women = Person.generate(4, "Woman", r)
# Assume no Name is longer than 20 characters
spacer = '-' * (20 * 2 + 2)
# Solve the Problem
1.step do |round|
singles =
singles.each do |m|
break if singles.empty?
puts "Round #{round}"
puts spacer
puts men, women
puts spacer
using Random
const mnames = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
const wnames = ["E", "F", "G", "H"]
const Preferences = Dict{String,Vector{String}}
const Pairs = Dict{String,String}
# Returns a name => preference list dictionary, in decreasing order of preference
function genpreferences(mannames::Vector{String}, womannames::Vector{String})
men = Dict(map(m -> (m, shuffle(womannames)), mannames))
women = Dict(map(w -> (w, shuffle(mannames)), womannames))
return men, women
# Returns if `person` prefers the `first` candidate over the `second` one.
# This translates to `first` appearing *sooner* in the preference list
prefers(prefs, person, first, second) =
findfirst(m -> m == first, prefs[person]) <
findfirst(m -> m == second, prefs[person])
isfree(person, pairs) = !haskey(pairs, person)
function galeshapley(men::Preferences, women::Preferences)
mentowomen = Dict{String,String}()
womentomen = Dict{String,String}()
while true
bachelors = [m for m in keys(men) if isfree(m, mentowomen)]
if length(bachelors) == 0
return mentowomen, womentomen
for bachelor in bachelors
for candidate in men[bachelor]
if isfree(candidate, womentomen)
mentowomen[bachelor] = candidate
womentomen[candidate] = bachelor
elseif prefers(women, candidate, bachelor, womentomen[candidate])
delete!(mentowomen, womentomen[candidate])
mentowomen[bachelor] = candidate
womentomen[candidate] = bachelor
function isstable(men::Preferences, women::Preferences, mentowomen::Pairs, womentoman::Pairs)
for (husband, wife) in mentowomen
for candidate in men[husband]
if candidate != wife &&
prefers(men, husband, candidate, wife) &&
prefers(women, candidate, husband, womentoman[candidate])
return false
return true
function main()
men, women = genpreferences(mnames, wnames)
mentowomen, womentomen = galeshapley(men, women)
println(isstable(men, women, mentowomen, womentomen) ? "Stable" : "Unstable")
# Submitted by Marius Becker
# Updated by Amaras
from random import shuffle
from copy import copy
from string import ascii_uppercase, ascii_lowercase
def main():
# Set this to however many men and women you want, up to 26
num_pairs = 5
# Create all Person objects
men = [Person(name) for name in ascii_uppercase[:num_pairs]]
women = [Person(name) for name in ascii_lowercase[:num_pairs]]
# Set everyone's preferences
for man in men:
man.preference = copy(women)
for woman in women:
woman.preference = copy(men)
# Run the algorithm
stable_marriage(men, women)
# Print preferences and the result
print('Preferences of the men:')
for man in men:
print('Preferences of the women:')
for woman in women:
print('The algorithm gave this solution:')
for man in men:
print(f'{} + {}')
def stable_marriage(men, women):
"""Finds pairs with stable marriages"""
while True:
# Let every man without a partner propose to a woman
for man in men:
if not man.has_partner:
# Let the women pick their favorites
for woman in women:
# Continue only when someone is still left without a partner
if all((man.has_partner for man in men)):
class Person:
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.preference = []
self.candidates = []
self.pref_index = 0
self._partner = None
def next_choice(self):
"""Return the next person in the own preference list"""
return self.preference[self.pref_index]
except IndexError:
return None
def propose_to_next(self):
"""Propose to the next person in the own preference list"""
person = self.next_choice
self.pref_index += 1
def pick_preferred(self):
"""Pick a new partner or stay with the old one if they are preferred"""
# Iterate own preferences in order
for person in self.preference:
# Pick the first person that's either a new candidate or the
# current partner
if person == self.partner:
elif person in self.candidates:
self.partner = person
# Rejected candidates don't get a second chance
def partner(self):
return self._partner
# The call self.partner = person sets self._partner as person
# However, since engagement is symmetrical, self._partner._partner
# (which is then person._partner) also needs to be set to self
def partner(self, person):
"""Set a person as the new partner and sets the partner of that
person as well"""
# Do nothing if nothing would change
if person != self._partner:
# Remove self from current partner
if self._partner is not None:
self._partner._partner = None
# Set own and the other person's partner
self._partner = person
if self._partner is not None:
self._partner._partner = self
# This allows use of self.has_partner instead of self.has_partner()
def has_partner(self):
"""Determine whether this person currently has a partner or not."""
return self.partner is not None
# This allows the preferences to be printed more elegantly
def __str__(self):
return f'{}: {", ".join( for p in self.preference)}'
if __name__ == '__main__':
import Data.Map as M (Map, (!))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Control.Monad.State
stableMatching :: (Ord a, Ord b) => [(a, [b])] -> [(b, [a])] -> [(a, b)]
stableMatching men women = evalState (propose (M.fromList women) men) M.empty
propose :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Map b [a] ->
[(a, [b])] ->
State (Map b (a, [b])) [(a, b)]
propose _ [] = get >>= return . map (\(w, (m,_)) -> (m, w)) . M.assocs
propose women ((man, pref):bachelors) = do
let theOne = head pref
couples <- get
case M.lookup theOne couples of
Nothing -> do
modify $ M.insert theOne (man, (tail pref))
propose women bachelors
Just (boyfriend, planB) -> do
let rank x = elemIndex x (women!theOne)
if rank boyfriend < rank man
then propose women $ (man, tail pref): bachelors
else do
modify $ M.insert theOne (man, (tail pref)) . M.delete theOne
propose women $ (boyfriend, planB): bachelors
main = do
let aPref = [('A',"YXZ"), ('B',"ZYX"),('C', "XZY")]
bPref = [('X',"BAC"), ('Y',"CBA"),('Z', "ACB")]
print $ stableMatching aPref bPref
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
struct person {
size_t id;
struct person *partner;
size_t *prefers;
size_t index;
void shuffle(size_t *array, size_t size) {
for (size_t i = size - 1; i > 0; --i) {
size_t j = (size_t)rand() % (i + 1);
size_t tmp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = tmp;
void create_group(struct person *group, size_t size) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
group[i].id = i;
group[i].partner = NULL;
group[i].prefers = malloc(sizeof(size_t) * size);
group[i].index = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
group[i].prefers[j] = j;
shuffle(group[i].prefers, size);
bool prefers_partner(size_t *prefers, size_t partner, size_t id, size_t size) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (prefers[i] == partner) {
return true;
} else if(prefers[i] == id) {
return false;
return true;
void stable_marriage(struct person *men, struct person *women, size_t size) {
struct person *bachelors[size];
size_t bachelors_size = size;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
bachelors[i] = &men[i];
while (bachelors_size > 0) {
struct person *man = bachelors[bachelors_size - 1];
struct person *woman = &women[man->prefers[man->index]];
if (!woman->partner) {
woman->partner = man;
man->partner = woman;
bachelors[--bachelors_size] = NULL;
} else if (!prefers_partner(woman->prefers, woman->partner->id, man->id,
size)) {
bachelors[bachelors_size - 1] = woman->partner;
woman->partner = man;
man->partner = woman;
} else {
void free_group(struct person *group, size_t size) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
int main() {
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
struct person men[5], women[5];
create_group(men, 5);
create_group(women, 5);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
printf("preferences of man %zu: ", i);
for (size_t j = 0; j < 5; ++j) {
printf("%zu ", men[i].prefers[j]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
printf("preferences of woman %zu: ", i);
for (size_t j = 0; j < 5; ++j) {
printf("%zu ", women[i].prefers[j]);
stable_marriage(men, women, 5);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
printf("the partner of man %zu is woman %ld\n", i, men[i].partner->id);
free_group(men, 5);
free_group(women, 5);
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <numeric>
#include <random>
#include <vector>
// this header is so that we can use `not` and `and` on MSVC
#include <ciso646>
#include <cstddef>
using std::size_t;
we use these to generate random numbers in this program.
this makes the program simpler,
by not having to pass around random number generators.
static thread_local std::random_device global_random_device;
static thread_local std::mt19937 global_rng(global_random_device());
struct person {
this is a poor person's std::optional,
but since we're attempting to be compileable on C++14,
we won't worry too much about it.
bool finished;
size_t preference;
std::vector<size_t> preference_list;
this function generates a list of people with size `number_of_partners`.
each person's `preference_list` will be a randomly sorted list of
the numbers in the range [0, number_of_partners),
with no duplicates.
std::vector<person> make_person_list(size_t number_of_partners) {
auto random_pref_list = [&] {
std::vector<size_t> ret(number_of_partners);
std::iota(begin(ret), end(ret), size_t(0));
std::shuffle(begin(ret), end(ret), global_rng);
return ret;
std::vector<person> ret;
std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(ret), number_of_partners, [&] {
return person{false, 0, random_pref_list()};
return ret;
template <typename LeadIter, typename FollowIter>
void stable_match(LeadIter leads, LeadIter leads_end, FollowIter follows) {
// for each index in the leads' preference list, we'll go through this
size_t const number_of_partners = leads_end - leads;
for (size_t proposal_index = 0; proposal_index < number_of_partners;
++proposal_index) {
each follow will get their own vector of proposals to them
for each entry in the leads' proposal list
if this weren't example code, this would likely go outside the loop
to cut down on allocations
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> proposals(number_of_partners);
// for each lead, we'll make a proposal to their favorite follow
for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_partners; ++i) {
if (not leads[i].finished) {
auto pref = leads[i].preference_list[proposal_index];
// for each follow, we'll look at their preference list
for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_partners; ++i) {
for (size_t pref : follows[i].preference_list) {
for (size_t proposal : proposals[i]) {
// and, if they were given a proposal, then they'll choose their
// favorite here
if (pref == proposal and not follows[i].finished) {
follows[i].preference = pref;
follows[i].finished = true;
leads[pref].preference = i;
leads[pref].finished = true;
int main() {
// these are the number of partners in each group
size_t const number_of_partners = 5;
// in this case, the leads shall propose to the follows
auto leads = make_person_list(number_of_partners);
auto follows = make_person_list(number_of_partners);
stable_match(begin(leads), end(leads), begin(follows));
// the happy marriages are announced to the console here :)
for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_partners; ++i) {
std::cout << "the partnership of lead " << i << " and follow "
<< leads[i].preference << " shall commence forthwith!\n";
class Person {
constructor(name) { = name;
get hasFiance() {
return !!this.fiance;
prefers(other) {
return this.preferences.indexOf(other) < this.preferences.indexOf(this.fiance);
engageTo(other) {
if (other.hasFiance) {
other.fiance.fiance = undefined;
this.fiance = other;
other.fiance = this;
function stableMarriage(guys, girls) {
const bachelors = [...guys];
while (bachelors.length > 0) {
const guy = bachelors.shift();
for (const girl of guy.preferences) {
if (!girl.hasFiance) {
} else if (girl.prefers(guy)) {
function shuffle(iterable) {
const array = [...iterable];
for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
return array;
const guys = [..."ABCDE"].map(name => new Person(name));
const girls = [..."FGHIJ"].map(name => new Person(name));
for (const guy of guys) {
guy.preferences = shuffle(girls);
console.log(`${}: ${ =>}`)
for (const girl of girls) {
girl.preferences = shuffle(guys);
console.log(`${}: ${ =>}`)
stableMarriage(guys, girls);
for (const guy of guys) {
console.log(`${}: ${}`);
// submitted by Julian Schacher (jspp) with great help by gustorn and Marius Becker
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace StableMarriageProblem
public static class GaleShapleyAlgorithm<TFollow, TLead>
where TFollow : Person<TFollow, TLead>
where TLead : Person<TLead, TFollow>
public static void RunGaleShapleyAlgorithm(List<TFollow> follows, List<TLead> leads)
// All follows are lonely.
var lonelyFollows = new List<TFollow>(follows);
// Carry on until there are no lonely follows anymore.
while (lonelyFollows.Count > 0)
// Let every lonely follow propose to their current top choice.
foreach (var lonelyFollow in lonelyFollows)
// Look which follows have a partner now and which don't.
var newLonelyFollows = new List<TFollow>();
foreach (var follow in follows)
if (follow.Partner == null)
lonelyFollows = newLonelyFollows;
// submitted by Julian Schacher (jspp) with great help by gustorn and Marius Becker
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace StableMarriageProblem
public class Person<TSelf, TPref>
where TSelf : Person<TSelf, TPref>
where TPref : Person<TPref, TSelf>
public string Name { get; set; }
public TPref Partner { get; set; }
public IList<TPref> Choices { get; set; }
// CurrentTopChoice equals the Choice in Choices that is the TopChoice,
// if already tried women are not counted.
public int CurrentTopChoiceIndex { get; set; } = 0;
public Person(string name) => Name = name;
public void ProposeToNext()
var interest = GetNextTopChoice();
// If the interest has no partner or prefers this person,
// change interest's partner to this person.
if (interest.Partner == null ||
interest.Choices.IndexOf(this as TSelf) < interest.Choices.IndexOf(interest.Partner))
// Should the interest already have a partner, set the partner
// of the interest's partner to null.
if (interest.Partner != null)
interest.Partner.Partner = null;
interest.Partner = this as TSelf;
Partner = interest;
private TPref GetNextTopChoice() => Choices[CurrentTopChoiceIndex++];
// submitted by Julian Schacher (jspp) with great help by gustorn and Marius Becker
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace StableMarriageProblem
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Using men and women as an example.
var men = new List<Man>()
new Man("A"),
new Man("B"),
new Man("C"),
new Man("D"),
new Man("E")
var women = new List<Woman>()
new Woman("F"),
new Woman("G"),
new Woman("H"),
new Woman("I"),
new Woman("J"),
var random = new Random();
foreach (var man in men)
man.Choices = new List<Woman>(women).Shuffle(random);
Console.WriteLine(man.Name + ":");
foreach (var choice in man.Choices)
foreach (var woman in women)
woman.Choices = new List<Man>(men).Shuffle(random);
Console.WriteLine(woman.Name + ":");
foreach (var choice in woman.Choices)
GaleShapleyAlgorithm<Woman, Man>.RunGaleShapleyAlgorithm(women, men);
foreach (var woman in women)
Console.WriteLine(woman.Name + " : " + woman?.Partner.Name);
public class Man : Person<Man, Woman>
public Man(string name) : base(name) { }
public class Woman : Person<Woman, Man>
public Woman(string name) : base(name) { }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace StableMarriageProblem
public static class ListExtensions
public static IList<T> Shuffle<T>(this IList<T> list, Random rng)
for (var i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
var j = rng.Next(i, list.Count);
var tmp = list[i];
list[i] = list[j];
list[j] = tmp;
return list;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
class StableMarriage {
* Use the stable marriage algorithm to find stable pairs from the
* lists of men and women.
public static void findStableMarriages(List<Woman> women, List<Man> men) {
// We might have more men/women than women/men. In this case, not everybody can
// get a mate. We should aim to give every member of the less numerous gender a mate,
// as this is always possible.
List<? extends Person> leastCommonGender = women.size() <= men.size() ? women : men;
do {
// Every single man proposes to a woman.
for (Man man : men)
if (man.isLonely())
// The women pick their favorite suitor.
for (Woman woman : women)
// End the process if everybody has a mate.
if (!
} while (true);
women.forEach(w -> System.out.println(w + " married to " + w.getMate()));
public static void main(String[] args) {
int nPairs = 5;
List<Woman> women = new ArrayList<>();
List<Man> men = new ArrayList<>();
for (char i = 'A'; i < 'A' + nPairs; ++i) {
women.add(new Woman("" + i));
men.add(new Man("" + i));
// Make the genders unbalanced:
women.add(new Woman("X"));
women.forEach(w -> {
System.out.println(w + " prefers " + w.getPreferredMates());
men.forEach(m -> {
System.out.println(m + " prefers " + m.getPreferredMates());
findStableMarriages(women, men);
class Person {
private final String name;
protected Person mate;
protected List<Person> preferredMates;
public Person(String name) { = name;
public boolean isLonely() {
return mate == null;
public void setMate(Person mate) {
// Only set mates if there is a change.
if (this.mate != mate) {
// Remove old mates mate.
if (this.mate != null)
this.mate.mate = null;
// Set the new mate.
this.mate = mate;
// If new mate is someone, update their mate.
if (mate != null)
mate.mate = this;
public Person getMate() {
return mate;
public void receiveOptions(List<? extends Person> mates) {
// Preferences are subjective.
preferredMates = new ArrayList<>(mates);
public List<Person> getPreferredMates() {
return preferredMates;
public String toString() {
return getClass().getName() + "(" + name + ")";
class Woman extends Person {
private List<Man> suitors = new ArrayList<>();
public Woman(String name) {
public void recieveProposal(Man suitor) {
public void chooseMate() {
for (Person mostDesired : preferredMates) {
if (mostDesired == mate || suitors.contains(mostDesired)) {
class Man extends Person {
public Man(String name) {
public void propose() {
if (!preferredMates.isEmpty()) {
Woman fiance = (Woman) preferredMates.remove(0);
class Person
private $name;
private $suitors = [];
private $preferences = [];
private $match;
public function __construct($name)
$this->name = $name;
public function getName(): string
return $this->name;
public function setPreferences(array $preferences): void
$this->preferences = $preferences;
public function getMatch(): ?Person
return $this->match;
public function getPreferences(): array
return $this->preferences;
public function isSingle(): bool
return $this->match === null;
public function unmatch(): void
$this->match = null;
public function setMatch(Person $match): void
if ($this->match !== $match) {
if ($this->match !== null) {
$this->match = $match;
public function propose(): void
if (!empty($this->preferences)) {
$fiance = array_shift($this->preferences);
public function receiveProposal(Person $man): void
$this->suitors[] = $man;
public function chooseMatch(): void
foreach ($this->preferences as $preference) {
if ($preference === $this->match || in_array($preference, $this->suitors)) {
$this->suitors = [];
public function __toString(): string
return $this->name;
function stable_marriage(array $men, array $women): void
do {
foreach ($men as $man) {
if ($man->isSingle()) {
foreach ($women as $woman) {
$unmarried = false;
foreach ($women as $woman) {
if ($woman->isSingle()) {
$unmarried = true;
} while ($unmarried);
$groupSize = 10;
$men = [];
$women = [];
for ($i = 1; $i <= $groupSize; $i++) {
$men[] = new Person("M${i}");
$women[] = new Person("W${i}");
foreach ($men as $man) {
$preferences = $women;
printf('%s\'s choices: %s', $man->getName(), implode(',', $man->getPreferences()));
echo PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
foreach ($women as $woman) {
$preferences = $men;
printf('%s\'s choices: %s', $woman->getName(), implode(',', $woman->getPreferences()));
echo PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
stable_marriage($men, $women);
foreach ($women as $woman) {
printf('%s is married to %s', $woman, $woman->getMatch());
echo PHP_EOL;
import scala.collection.mutable._
object StableMarriage {
var bachelors = Queue[Man]()
case class Man(name: String, var preferences: List[Woman] = List()) {
def propose(): Unit = preferences match {
case woman :: remainingPreferences => {
if (woman.prefers(this)) {
bachelors ++= woman.fiance
woman.fiance = Some(this)
preferences = remainingPreferences
case _ =>
case class Woman(name: String, var preferences: List[Man] = List(), var fiance: Option[Man] = None) {
def prefers(man: Man): Boolean =
fiance match {
case Some(otherMan) => preferences.indexOf(man) < preferences.indexOf(otherMan)
case _ => true //always prefer any man over nobody
def findStableMatches(men: Man*): Unit = {
bachelors =[Queue]
while (bachelors.nonEmpty)
object StableMarriageExample {
val a = StableMarriage.Man("Adam")
val b = StableMarriage.Man("Bart")
val c = StableMarriage.Man("Colm")
val x = StableMarriage.Woman("Xena")
val y = StableMarriage.Woman("Yeva")
val z = StableMarriage.Woman("Zara")
a.preferences = List(y, x, z)
b.preferences = List(y, z, x)
c.preferences = List(x, z, y)
x.preferences = List(b, a, c)
y.preferences = List(c, a, b)
z.preferences = List(a, c, b)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
StableMarriage.findStableMatches(a, b, c)
List(x, y, z).foreach(
w => Console.println(
+ " is married to "
+ w.fiance.getOrElse(StableMarriage.Man("Nobody")).name))
Code Examples
The code examples are licensed under the MIT license (found in
The text of this chapter was written by James Schloss and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Pull Requests
After initial licensing (#560), the following pull requests have modified the text or graphics of this chapter:
- none